Crime Survivors Resource Center Official Site > Blog > General > Year End Donation for Victims of Crime
Year End Donation for Victims of Crime
Tax Deductible Year End
Non Profit Donation for Victims of Crime
Awareness * Prevention * Survival
“All victims of crime have the right and responsibility to survive”
Click the donate link to support Crime Survivors
Crime Survivors is a non profit organization that has been serving families for over seven years. We are an organization serving individuals that have been victimized and their families and we need your support. Are you able to spare some change per day for victims of crime? From Murder to Attempted Murder to Domestic Violence to Rape to Sexual Assault to Child Abuse, please, if you can find it in your heart and your budget, make a donation today.
Programs offered through Crime Survivors are geared toward informing communities and supporting individuals and their families and we need your financial support to ensure that these programs continue for future victims of crime. If Crime Survivors has touched your life, if you have benefited from the programs and services, if you have recognized the support made available to the crime victim community, please make a donation today. We appreciate and are thankful for each and every contribution.
Click the donate button to support Crime Survivors
Choose Your Donation Amount
Where Will My Donation Go?
Development initiatives and priorities have been clearly defined for Crime Survivors by the Board of Directors. Their thoughtful vision for the future of our survivor driven organization has been carefully developed and is continually monitored and adjusted to meet the needs of all crime victims and our community. Grant seeking, fund raising, and corporate sponsorship will be pursued to endow the full range of programs, activities and events provided by Crime Survivors, including the following priorities:
* Child and Adult Victim Emergency Bags
* Countywide Resource Guides
* Let’s Meet Officer ~ Deputy Frank Book Distribution
* What’s Happening in Court
* Monthly Support Group
* Self Defense and Safety Classes
* Referral Line
* Victim to Survivor Support Services
* Community Partnerships
* Giving Thanks Campaign and Meal Basket Empowerment
* Survivors Gift Drive and Elf’s Holly Day
* Developing Programs, Support, Scholarships, Infrastructure and Financial Support
Annual Events
* Awards Banquet
* Survive and Thrive Run Walk Health & Safety Expo
These are only a few of our plans for the future. We ask for your financial support to continue providing these programs and services to our community. None of us can achieve this alone, but, together we can create this and so much more! Be a part of the future for crime victim services in Southern California by supporting Crime Survivors. Please remember, your donation is tax deductible.
Yes! Your donations are tax deductible.
Can’t afford it? No problem! We are very interested in your in-kind donations as well. If you have a product, business, or service that can benefit victims and their families, we want to speak with you! Everyone has something to contribute and every contribution is valued. Volunteers around the State are needed to participate in our programs and fund raising campaigns. There are also opportunities for service projects to fulfill high school, college, faith based, and corporate volunteer requirements. Please contact us today to find out how you can help!
Click here to contact Crime Survivors
Contact Us Link
Crime Survivors is a non profit, 501(c)(3) corporation. All donations to Crime Survivors are tax deductible. We hereby state that donations will be used in relation to the tax exempt purpose of this organization under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Crime Survivor, Inc. ID # 30-0229425.
Crime Survivors is a non profit, 501(c)(3) corporation. All donations to Crime Survivors are tax deductible. We hereby state that donations will be used in relation to the tax exempt purpose of this organization under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Crime Survivor, Inc. ID # 30-0229425.
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