Veto a Dangerous Bill SB 1253
Quick ACTION needed: Please fax a letter today to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at 916-558-3160 and/or email him at and/or call him at 916-445-2841.
Ask him to veto a dangerous bill SB 1253 that would allow judges to place a sex offender on probation in the victim’s home if the judge thinks it is ok!
The Honorable Arnold Schwarznegger FAX 916-558-3160
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Re: SB 1253 (Strickland), Probation: sex offenders VETO
Dear Governor Schwarzenegger:
We strongly urge you to VETO SB 1253 (Strickland). It endangers children by allowing judicial discretion to place a sex offender on probation in the home of the victim.
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Re: SB 1253 (Strickland), Probation: sex offenders VETO
Dear Governor Schwarzenegger:
We strongly urge you to VETO SB 1253 (Strickland). It endangers children by allowing judicial discretion to place a sex offender on probation in the home of the victim.
The best interest for a victim is to be safe and free from sex abuse. This can only occur when the perpetrator is unable to gain access to the victim under any circumstance. The best interest standard is designed to keep victims safe. This bill wrongly discriminates against a child victim whose perpetrator is a household member by treating that situation differently from a child victim abused by a non-household member. The first victim could, in fact, be placed in far greater jeopardy due to this discriminatory language.
There is no possible reason that a perpetrator residing close to the victim would be in the best interest of the victim. These amendments would create statutory discretion about placement of convicted sex offenders. The amendments appear to be developed by protectors of pedophiles rather than children.
Please VETO SB 1253 as amended. It is very dangerous for children.