Underwriting Opportunities

CSI is sending this blog out to let you know what we need help with for this years Awards Banquet. As you know times are tough and we are asking for any help and support in making this event a great success.
Underwriting Opportunities
If you are interested to underwrite one of the below or contribute as a sponsor we will include you on all printed materials and recognition at the event.
    Party Favors
    Gift Bags (your materials to be included in bags)
    Trophy Awards
    Printing – Event Guides
    Printing Banners
    Powerpoint Video Presentation Equipment
    Survivor Tables for Attendees
    Law Enforcement Tables for Attendees
For more information contact Patricia at (949) 872-7895 or [email protected] 
or log on to our web site www.crimesurvivors.org/page/dev/dev  
Thank you for considering supporting this event and bringing awareness, prevention and survival to our communities.