Thank you Survivors Gift Drive & Elf’s Holly Day
I wanted to thank you for having us over at Boomers. It brings a smile and a giggle in Brittneys face. I can’t tell you how many times I get asked “Mom when are we going to Boomers”. I told Brittney “Ask me around Thanksgiving time Brit”. Brittney is able to play with other children who had lost there loved one. During the holiday season its difficult for us and Crimesurvivors had made alot of things possible, gift baskets for the families, kids having fun a boomers, families getting together who have suffered a lost and or a crime, bring a smile on our faces during this difficult time during the holiday season.
Thanks Crimesurvivors we hope this continues every year.
Jeanette Chavez (In loving memory of my daughter Sammantha Salas)
P.S. Brittney wanted me to say Thank you and lets do it again. 🙂
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