Survivors – we don’t walk alone

As a survivor of molestation, domestic violence & a murder of a loved one, Crime Survivors gives people hope. In my time (1970) we had nowhere to go to seek help. We had no guidance, support. We as women had to endure our suffering in silence. Five & a half years ago I heard of Crime Survivors, Inc. I was thankful & relieved to know, yes, finally there is support & understanding.
There is no need to isolate ourselves from the world, we have a voice. We will never stay silent. we now have the tools & resources to pass on to our children. Crime Survivors is here for us. We don’t walk alone anymore. How to turn victimization into being a survivor & to know the difference. By resources, education, dedication and compassion to victims. Crime Survivors, Inc. extent their generosity to many grief support groups by including the surviving siblings & parents to their yearly holidays programs & events. As one of those group, I know without fail that I can call or email them & they will return call or email without hesitation.
Thanks Crime Survivors, Tina Yamashiro