Survivor of Rape

Crime Survivors is a true beacon of hope for those that have survived a crime against them or their loved ones. This amazing organization does not only help survivors of one kind, but of any kind. If they don’t have what they need to help you…they find it or point you in the right direction. That mission comes from the heart of their organization. The heart of Crime Survivors is Patricia Wenskunas, the most selfless and generous person that I’ve ever met in my life. This organization not only helps people with educating our first responders but also goes out into the community to tell her story and inspire you to let go and set yourself free. When a person goes through abuse and has never shared with the world; one feels burdened, ashamed and as if you were dragging chains.

As a child I was raped; first at the age of 5, then at the age of 7. Both times the abuser was a known person that my family trusted with my care. As much as I tried living life without a glitch, it was never possible. Abuse and violence seemed to follow the not so innocent child within me. I never told a soul what was going on in my life because of the instability that I felt at home. I feared no one believing me and being rejected. At the age of 15, I exploded and made my pain known to my family and the world by two suicide attempts. Thanks for that, I received therapy yet it never brought me closer to my family as I hoped. It was taboo to speak of the incident or what caused me to break. No one was ever interested in who did such horrid things to an innocent child. We just needed to get me back to “normal” and make the incident go away. Unfortunately, it never went away and I carry the scars in my soul forever. Patricia was my friend before Crime Survivors but I never shared my story with her or any other friends for that matter. Patricia along with Crime Survivors inspired me to one day break free. I broke my silence and told my story. I didn’t feel alone, I felt that Patricia and her community of angels would understand. They understand and they are there for you to talk to them, to give you guidance and give you hope. They are there to provide you with resources to go on when sometimes your load seems too hard to bear.

Thank you Patricia and Crime Survivors for making me a believer again. Once again, I believe that there are good people out there. People that are willing to help and give a piece of themselves for nothing in return. Thank you for including my family in your Survivor activities when I have been at a low point in my life. Not only have you given me hope and happiness but you have shown my children that when mommy is down there is a community there to bring us up. I may have not had Crime Survivors when I exploded with the truth 18 years ago but those that have you now are truly blessed. So, thank you a million times for me and all the people that you help and will continue to help on a daily basis for years to come.

Survivor of Rape