Raise Funds For Your Charity / Organization
This year more than ever we need to collaborate and partner during these challenging times so we can all continue working in our communities to make a difference. CSI would like to give you and your organization the opportunity this year to partner with us and raise funds for your charity / organization.
We have a new location this year for the “Survive and Thrive Run Walk Health & Safety Expo” and this years event will be on Saturday, October 9, 2010 at the Orange County Sheriff Regional Training Academy in Tustin, Ca. www.surviveandthriverunwalk.org
This email is to INVITE you and your organization to be one of our In Kind Sponsors for this year’s event.
- Opportunity to raise funds for your charity / organization.
- This would give you an opportunity to have your logo included on all print materials, web site, shirts and more. Great Exposure……….
- Have a complimentary Booth at the event
- Provide items or brochure for the goody bag to be given to all participants & much more…..
As an In Kind Sponsor you will also have an opportunity to RAISE MONIES for your charity of choice. All new monies you bring in — Crime Survivors will donate 50% to your Charity of Choice. (We pay all expenses and do all the work)
You bring in a new sponsor — You get half and we cover all the expenses.
You bring in a team, participants or individuals and you also get half this year.
You will also be listed as a team on the web site and the team with the most participants and raises the most money will win extra prizes and trophy’s.
Please let me know if you are interested and we will add your logo as soon as we receive your permission to do so.
We look forward to hearing back from you and partnering with you to make this event a great success while bringing awareness, prevention and survival to all our communities.
For questions please contact Patricia at (949) 872-7895 or [email protected] .
Thanks You!
If we all stand together and join forces to be United Together we will be a stronger force to be reckoned with…. Empowering victims to survive and thrive.
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