Dear Santa's Elf's
On behalf of all victims of crime and Crime Survivors, Inc. I would like to personally THANK YOU for taking the time out of your very busy schedules to wrap all of the gifts, for digging deep into your pockets to donate gifts / monetary donations and for all the added decoration and goodies. Let’s not forget how great Santa was…….
This event was a success because of all of you. I stand and applaud each and everyone of you…. Yes a standing ovation you get…….
On Friday the powers of the human giving transformed ordinary scissors, scotch tape and Christmas wrapping paper into heartwarming tools in order that all crime survivors would have presents to open this Christmas.
Rain and drizzle blanket us today to show us tears of joy for all we did yesterday. While the sunshine was bright yesterday it was the power and strength for us to all know we are doing a great thing and must continue this each and every year.
All families were able to go home with meals to fill their tummies on Christmas Day, the kiddies were able to have gifts to take home and play, while yesterday they all had lunch and fun playing the arcade and riding all the rides and getting to see that it is ok to smile, have fun and shed a few tears but to know they can be empowered to Survive & Thrive……..
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!!
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