Crime Survivors Chosen To Be Honored At CA Nonprofits Day Celebration

Crime Survivors chosen to be honored at second annual California Nonprofits Day celebration
For Immediate Release
June 25, 2018
Contact: Patricia Wenskunas
(949) 872-7895 | [email protected]/page/dev/dev |
Awards, state leaders will honor “Nonprofits of the Year” at State Capitol event June 28
(Irvine) – On Wednesday, June 28, Crime Survivors will be honored as a Nonprofit of the Year at a celebration of California Nonprofits Day at the State Capitol in Sacramento.
Crime Survivors has been selected by Assemblyman Steven Choi as an exceptional nonprofit organization in his 68th assembly district community. Crime Survivors will join nearly one hundred other nonprofit leaders from across the state being honored at the annual California Nonprofits Day event, formally recognized by Assembly Concurrent Resolution 54, authored by the chair of the new Assembly Select Committee on the Nonprofit Sector Assemblywoman Monique Limon (D-Santa Barbara).
About Crime Survivors, Inc.:
Mission: To provide hope and healing to victims and survivors of crime through advocacy and the support of resources, information, and empowerment from the critical time after a crime occurs through the challenges and successes of surviving and thriving.
CSI Values:
1. We believe that no one should feel abandoned or alone and that every person is deserving of love, respect and dignity.
2. We believe that the best way to help others with hope and healing is to work in partnership with our community, law enforcement, elected leaders, and members of the media.
3. We believe that all of us together can lift each other out of darkness and into the light of a restored heart and life.
4. We believe that every broken heart, every hurt, every wound can be healed with love and a strong community of support.
5. We believe in hopeful healing.
6. We believe that with faith, there is always hope.
“We are so grateful for this honor and recognition,” said Patricia Wenskunas, Crime Survivors Founder and CEO. “This acknowledgment is a chance for the community to know there is help and support for victims of crime. It also highlights the great work being done on behalf of victims and survivors of crime in our communities,” Wenskunas continued. “We ask for everyone to remember the victims and show your support for all victims have hopeful healing to survive and thrive!”
The award recipients will be honored at a luncheon at Sacramento’s Convention Center, with welcomes from Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, Assemblymember Limon, and Jan Masaoka, CEO of the California Association of Nonprofits (CalNonprofits). California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has also been invited to speak to the gathered honorees and their legislators.
Crime Survivors will accept their recognition at their “Hopeful Healing Gratitude Luncheon” on June 28th at the Diocese of Orange Christ Cathedral Cultural Center, Garden Grove. The same day they accept their recognition, Crime Survivors will also be honoring agencies, service providers, and individuals throughout Southern California for “Going Above and Beyond.”
“Nonprofit organizations are vitally important to the economy and well-being of California. But too often nonprofits are ‘hidden in plain sight.’ We are thrilled that the State Assembly has passed a resolution for the second year in a row that puts the spotlight on nonprofits as an economic power that uses that power for the common good. We congratulate all of the award recipients on being honored for the great work they do every day to make California a better place,” said Jan Masaoka, CEO of California Association of Nonprofits (CalNonprofits), a statewide alliance of over 10,000 organizations, representing and promoting California’s growing nonprofit sector and working to bring the full power of nonprofits to strengthening communities.
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