Child Books – Let’s Meet Officer Frank and Let’s Meet Deputy Frank – Show Your Support
Crime Survivors’ services are essential to children who are victims of crime. Studies show that a child who has been a crime victim has a greater chance of developing low self esteem, eating disorders, depression, suicidal behaviors, promiscuous behaviors, and other social difficulties. If they are able to get help to emotionally deal with the effects of victimization, they can learn to recover, grow and flourish as they age. They have a greater chance of developing functioning personal and professional relationships. In addition, they can grow to help other children learn to recover from victimization.
To help young victims of crime, Crime Survivors provides support services and resources, including Child Victim Emergency Bags. These blue tote bags with black lettering – reflecting the colors of Crime Survivors: black to signify crime and blue to represent surviving – contain items to comfort and assist young victims of crime and their families during their time of need. In addition to the bags, Crime Survivors collaborates with other organizations and providers – such as Let’s Meet Officer Frank and Let’s Meet Deputy Frank – to increase awareness and most importantly, inform victims and their families of the resources available to help them survive and thrive.
Frank Caruso became a police officer in 1989 to make a positive difference in the lives of people. In 1998, while eating lunch with a group of first graders, he realized he had a new goal as a police officer: To help build better relationships between kids and cops. As Officer Frank sat there eating a sandwich that day, a young boy stared at him in amazement and asked,”You eat food?” Stunned, Officer Frank replied, “Of course I do. I’m a person, just like you are.”
That incident combined with subsequent on-the-job contacts with children made Officer Frank realize that many kids misunderstand the basic role of police officers in the community and actually fear the police officer. These types of misconceptions can be a fundamental reason for the early breakdown of trust and respect between authority figures and youth in America. In order to help bridge this gap, Officer Frank wrote a book that not only teaches children that police officers are their friends who care and are there to help and protect them, but are “real” people just like they are.
The goal of this project is to purchase and distribute copies of Let’s Meet Officer Frank and Let’s Meet Deputy Frank to libraries, daycare centers, police departments, and other children’s services centers in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, California.
We believe that providing this important book to area children will help to prevent crime and violent behavior by increasing awareness of the important role of law enforcement in today’s society and emphasizing the positive relationship we, as citizens, can and should have with the law enforcement community.
Giving and Sponsorship Opportunities
Crime Survivors respectfully requests your support of this project through a cash donation. All donations are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law. In return for a donation; donors/sponsors will be listed as valuable supporters in the materials accompanying the book.
To answer your questions and tell you more about how your donation will help your community and child victims, contact Crime Survivors, Inc. at phone: (949) 872-7895, email: [email protected]. To make a donation using your Credit Card or PayPal, log onto or mail to PO Box 54552, Irvine Ca. 92619. Thank you very much for your attention and consideration.
Founder / CEO
Crime Survivors, Inc.
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