Crime Survivors Resource Center Official Site > Blog > General > Cancellation of 2013 Run Walk/Health & Safety Expo
Cancellation of 2013 Run Walk/Health & Safety Expo
Cancellation of 2013 Run Walk/Health & Safety Expo
There are times in life where we are provided with certain signs that we just can’t ignore! For Crime Survivors, Inc., this is one of those times!
We have made the decision to cancel the Crime Survivors Run/Walk Health & Safety Expo that was scheduled for October 12, 2013 and, instead, find a permanent home for our organization.
If you are a survivor of crime, we will still be hosting a Survivors Dove Release and Hopeful Healing Day on Saturday, October 12, 2013 at 9:00 AM. We invite you to join us in releasing your victimization, experiencing hopeful healing, and surviving together. A breakfast will be provided, as well as resources, support, and hopeful healing. Please contact us for location, details and to support at [email protected].
If you would like to support our efforts in finding an office for Crime Survivors, please contact us to provide your expertise, talents, and or to donate or underwrite a portion of this new beginning for hopeful healing for survivors and our community.
A Special thanks to Chris Kelly for his commitment to ones victimized and our communities. Additionally, we would like to thank the Association For Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriffs, Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs, Wells Fargo Bank, ABC7, Boomers and all of our other sponsors, donors, volunteers, supporters, and survivors for standing beside us for the past decade.
We look forward to the next 10 years of Hopeful Healing!
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