A Special Thanks to STEVE IPSEN
JFMC and CSI put together Thanksgiving Meal Baskets for Survivors and their families. We were able to provide this to a total of 62 families this Thanksgiving.
Steve Ipsen who is the President of the Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney’s Association found out that we were not able to get all the Turkeys donated at the last minute as expected. So he sent out a bulk email to everyone on his list and members of the association and let them know they could feed a family for $30.00 for Thanksgiving and make the donation online through our web site.
To date we have received over the $1,618.43 amount that it cost for this program and with him and the Deputy District Attonreys we were able to cover all the expenses of this program. Any amounts over this will be put towards future programs for Justice For Murdered Children and Crime Survivors, Inc.
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