Survivors: What Does This Program Mean To You… ?
“This program means a lot to me because it has helped me get through my situation. It has also helped me through counseling and they were there when I had to do my statement to the judge. It is still helping me and I get to call and talk to someone if I need it. Thank you so much. Without this program, I would not know what I would have done.” -Krystal and Yolanda
“This program would be such a blessing for my girls and me. I am a single parent of three beautiful girls. We are still in hiding from D.V. I struggle every month just to provide basic necessities. Birthdays and holidays have become a thing of the past, since I am raising them alone. We all know that just being/ staying together is our gift. One of my daughters has been a victim of sexual assault, as I have as well. It is a struggle every day for her, as she is still healing from the effects of this. Thank you so much for this opportunity, it means the world to me knowing there is still nice people willing to help me. Thank you for your help.” -Traci
“I want to take the time to say thank you. If you help us this will mean that you bring a little bit of joy that the Lord graciously gives. This program helps us when we are in a crisis or in need. It is a blessing to help us and the Lord will regard you. Thank you for all of your help.” -Giovana
“Crime Survivors has given me so much support and my life back. Prior to joining Crime Survivors, I was always afraid and depressed. Hearing other survivors has helped me to use my voice and not be the victim I once was. They have given me hope and faith in myself, now I am happy with my grandkids. Thank you Patricia, and Crime Survivors for your support and letting me know I am not alone. Thank you, it’s a true blessing to feel free. God bless.” -Cindy
“This program has really brought me and my two little girls hope. To know that there are still people out there who care and understand. All of the sadness and struggles us victims go through. Also those healing classes are so helpful. I would like to thank everyone in this program.” -Jovana
“As we continue to rebuild our lives, holidays are just not feasible at this time. We have been incredibly blessed to have had help in escaping our abuse, and for all the resources and support Crime Survivors has provided. This program would mean being able to provide my children a holiday this year. We are grateful to be safe and have the ability to continue healing. Finances are incredibly tough as I continue to look for a full-time position. We would greatly appreciate being considered for the Elf’s Holly Day Program. My children know how hard it has been to get where we are and they do not ask for much. This program would mean so much to them and myself. Thank you for your consideration.” -Danyelle
“It has been a year since the crisis happened, and being with the Dausu program, with Romy, has really helped me and my children. I just want to tell you guys thank you for having a survivor program for families like mine, that give us hope that things will get better. One that provides programs and special groups to help us cope, and help us remember that we matter and are important. Organizations like yours is what makes a difference and gives us strength that we can pull through. I have grown so much and I have seen a change for the good in my children, so a BIG thank you.” -Shelia
“It is a blessing to have programs to help families who suffered a loss through a crime. It is nice that there are people to turn to.” -Jennifer
“This program will bring joy to my children on Christmas morning. As well as food on the table without having to worry if it is enough food for one night. I really appreciate everything you guys do.” -Diana
“This program means hope and celebration of freedom from the bondage of my oppressor!” -Tallisha
“This program is special to us, specifically for our kids. It is nice to have good supporters and donors. Thanks for your support.” -Adame’s Family
“This program is so meaningful to me because it has brought so much joy and happiness to me and my family. In all honesty, this program has created one of the best memories I will share with my daughters during the holidays, and the wonderful experiences we have been fortunate to have. Whenever I stumble across pictures of the fun times with my family and Crime Survivors it brings positivity. I am thankful for them and all they do for us and the other families. Crime Survivors Organization and Patricia Wenskunas have changed my life, to inspire me to live as a SURVIVOR not a victim. I love to give back when I can, but during times when needed I am humble to ask for assistance also. My daughter Ava recently lost her father, who was the one who abused me. We are grieving differently, but I can say I forgive him so that I can live on each day to be a stronger woman and mother to my daughters. Thank you for your time.” -Ivette
“This program brings hope for me and happiness for my family.” -Kenisha
“I am truly touched by the support and donations of families in the community who provide help through this program. Being a single parent, with no family within a 2,000-mile radius is extremely challenging. I have my son 100% of the time and I am working full-time to make ends meet. Christmas is a very tough time and your support helps brighten our holiday season. Your help is so much appreciated and creates a lasting impact for both myself and future generations, like my son.” -Kaitlyn
“May our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you all for what you do for families in many hardship situations. I cannot stop thanking you all enough for everything you all make possible! My kids and I placed in 3rd step with Human Options for Victims of Crimes. Our exit day is near so we will need to be moving into our own apartment very soon. We are currently facing, and going through a difficult hardship at this time and don’t have many things. With that being said we would truly appreciate anything on your part, or hearts to bless us with.” -Erika
“It is very comforting knowing that we have a big family > Crime Survivors > who care for us during these special times of the year. Thank you Crime Survivors family for caring for us.
” -Nancy
“Your program helped our healing so much that we are able to move on with our lives since the event. But, also the presents my family receives from your organization are the only gifts my boys will get. I have a sixteen, eleven and a nine-year old.” -Joanna
“This program builds me up during this time of year. Being a single mom to three boys, after surviving abuse from their father, this program just brings smiles to our faces. It helps me see I am not alone in this process and others have been through similar situations like mine. Thank you for all that you do” -Marilyn
“This organization means a lot to me because in time of need for me and my children, they were there. Especially around Christmas time, my kids look forward to going there and seeing families going through the same situation.” -Leonor
“This program has done a lot for my family and me. I have been a part of this group for a year and a half now. I fell on hard times when I had to relocate and take the stand against someone who tried to stab me and killed my sister in front of my niece and me. I also had to take in my niece. This program helped my niece and children go to a championship track meet. As well as provided them with thanksgiving food and toys. I appreciate everything. I also appreciate the support programs and classes provided. Thank you!” -Sade
“Crime Survivors has been a constant in our lives for several years. My entire family looks forward to all of the functions. It is empowering for all of us to share, listen and relate with other survivors. It lets us know we are not alone. We are constantly encouraged and feel safe with our Crime Survivor family. We are so grateful and feel blessed to be a part of it. Thank you from our whole heart!” -Leslie
“Without the assistance from the donors, I would be unable to provide a decent Christmas for my family. I was the victim of an attempted murder and had to relocate. I have severe spine and neck issues that have also prevented me from returning to work. The holidays are a difficult time for my family and me, both financially and emotionally. We have several family members currently being hospitalized in the ICU. It is a true blessing that the holidays will be one less worry because of the generosity of the donors that support our family. Thank you! -Daniel
“This program helps me give my five children a happy holiday so they don’t feel sad for being out on our own. I appreciate all you guys do for us. You are a blessing in disguise. Thank you!” -Mariela
“This program gives hope and encouraging moments to know that we are not alone, and that there is support for the families.” -Teresa
“This program means so much to me. With this program I know that I can let go of my stress and worries to enjoy the holidays with my three daughters. Due to this program I know that I have that extra support and foundation to pull me and my children through the holidays. Thank you to all of those who place smiles on my children and myself, that otherwise would not be possible!” -Amber
“We are so grateful for Crime Survivors. It has truly been a blessing to our family, and to be able to bring joy into our son’s life after all he has been through. We pray and ask the Lord to continue to bless Patricia, and this organization for all she does for those who are survivors. Thank you sincerely and God bless.” -Cantero
“This program means the world to me and my kids. I am a single mom with two kids and their only provider. Their father is currently incarcerated. This program is very touching to me and my kids.” -Yoneyba
“This is an amazing program because they are here to help the families that have been through a hard life situation. But now we do the best to start living a normal and better life. May God bless this program!” Danny
“As survivors of a crime it is traumatizing, exhausting and distressing. So it means the world when people come together to show support and kindness to survivors, so they can enjoy the holidays; it fills my heart with joy. Thank you tremendously.” -Oudree
“Every year and throughout the whole year it is special knowing this organization helps focus and show that we are not alone in these tragedies. We feel happy there are special people caring for more families.” -Nancy
“This program means a lot to me, as my past has haunted me. Currently I am homeless so this Christmas has been hard for me and my family.” -Kayla
“I am currently working at a school district. We will be closed for three weeks in December and unfortunately without pay. I will not be able to afford to buy any gifts for my girls. It would mean so much to me if I could provide a gift this Christmas to my daughters without assistance from donors or supporters. Thank you.” -Daisy
“This program means a lot to me, knowing that I was not alone in not seeing the red flags…at first I felt as if it was my fault because I did not notice things right away that others may have seen as warning signs…but after watching the videos and knowing others have gone through the same things helped me to begin healing by not blaming myself.” -Melanie
“Thank you for doing this during these tough times, it really means so much to me. Holidays are always stressful but I get some relief going to your events. It allows my kids to go out and have fun doing something we normally would not be able to do. I have so much appreciation for you and your support. Thank you so much.” -Amanda
“This program means a lot to me. It shows me that there are good people out there. People who want to help those who have witnessed the unpleasant side of people. There are not a lot of truly good people out there now a days and it gives me hope to have come across this program. I have been struggling for years and finally reached out for help to the right people. I thank them and this program for showing me kindness during these dark and trying times. Thank you all for your amazing acts of kindness and help.” -Railene
“I want all of the sponsors to know we look forward to this event all year. To be able to be safe around other people that know how much it hurts to lose a child to homicide. I want to be able to give my children a gift, to see them smile…maybe not think of the past but make new friends, laugh and be excited! I promise you I cry daily but on the event day I will cry a tear of joy!” -April
“We would like to share that at a time when our family has suffered at the hands of heinous violent crimes, we have turned to our community for support. We are very fortunate to have met organizations like Crime Survivors, full of people who care and who are willing to help survivors through the darkest of times. Thank you for your generosity and support.” -Rosalva
“This program is a blessing and a lifeline during this difficult time. I am so grateful to have been connected with Patricia; a mentor, a survivor just like me and a true angel in the worst time of my life. Without this program and the resources available to victims like me, I am scared to know where I would be. Thank you!” -Melissa
“As a single mom of three, this program helps me a lot with the classes and programs they offer.” -Merissa
“As a victim of crime, me and my children are praying to be reunited with my first love and fiancé. To be safe and have a home all together. We never want to look over our shoulders again.” -Jacalyn
“Programs like this are a wonderful blessing to the community, especially families who have experienced trauma and difficult circumstances. Thank you!” -Melinda
“With everything my children and I have been through, this has been the biggest blessing for us. To know that there is still hope out there for us and that we are not alone on such special holidays. Thank you for so much love and support.” -Stephanie
“This program means a lot to our family. It would make it possible for my children to be able to receive Christmas gifts and bring joy to their lives.” -PS
“This program has helped me and my family through very difficult times. It has connected me with others going through similar situations. I have learned so much and have become a stronger, better person through all your support. Thank you for everything!” -Yolanda
“Myself and my four children are now safe because of the victims of crime program. We have a five year restraining order from my ex-husband/ father of my four children. We have been relocated here to Orange County from Los Angeles. As well as survive this horrific ordeal because of all these programs and support. When our safety was compromised we left with our clothes, bedding and beds. We had to start all over again and I thank and appreciate all that has been offered to me and my four children.”
“Gracias por todo.” -Alma
“This program brings a lot of helpful support to my family during the holidays. This program brings smiles to my children’s faces during the gifts events.” -Shermaine
“This program allows me not to worry so much about providing a little gift for my children. They have seen their mother getting physically assaulted. This program allows my children to feel like they will have a gift for Christmas because there is not enough money for a tree or gifts. My family likes this program because it gives us hope!” -Angelica
“Since being told about this program, it has really helped me realize how blessed we are to have such caring people in this world.” -Linda
“This program is a great time for me to be able to put a smile on my kid’s faces this year, which means so much to me based on previous events. -Brandi
“This year was emotionally harder. I am going to trial in early 2020. 2019 has been a hard year… I am trying to stay positive and hopefully Crime Survivors gives us a place to be happy and enjoy the moment and remove us from our struggles.”
“I know deep in my heart that I cannot provide the Christmas my kids deserve and they understand also. So I am grateful that programs like this one exist…this program means the world to people like me and families like mine! It provides a situation that would allow my kids and I to feel happy for once! I am sure that is what any mother would want! I am overcome with emotions as I think of all the joy your program brings to families that have been having a tough time this during this time of the year” -Ahlia
“Crime Survivors means the world to my family. They have been by our sides, supporting us for almost 10 years now. Without Crime Survivors my children would have gone without Christmas for several years. Thank you Crime Survivors and all the donors and supporters. It is because of you we have a very Merry Christmas.” -Cherie
“It means so much to know that you have people you barely know or who do not know who you are, there to support you in a time of need.” -Evlinda
“This program would be a chance to provide my children with our first real Christmas together as a family. After what happened, I was able to get a job and start my life over. I was able to get a small apartment for my children but the bills have piled up. Therefore, I unfortunately cannot afford gifts or much groceries to fill the fridge. This program would mean the world to my children. Thank you.” -Kashmir
“This program means a lot to me because it has helped me a lot through the holidays and being able to make something happen for my family. This program makes the holidays better.” -Luzvianeth
“Your help means a lot to my kids. We are very thankful.” -Vanessa
“Crime Survivors is just that trying to survive the hurt, pain, sadness and emptiness you feel during the holidays. Crime Survivors has brought joy in me and my daughter’s life and now we share the joy and laughter with her children. They always talk about the fun they have at Boomers. The joy on their faces, to see they are happy makes me forget about Brandon, their uncle, not being here. Thank God for good people still in this cruel world.” -Angelar
“Thank you so much for blessing our family! Crime Survivors has been a constant in our lives for 6 years and we are so grateful for the connections and strength and love we share with our fellow survivors!! Thank you for blessing us and making our holidays special!! We love you! Merry Christmas!!” -The B Family
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