2016 Survive and Thrive Run / Walk Health & Safety Event We invite you, your family and your friends to participate in

The 12th annual survive and thrive Run and Walk Event, on Saturday April 16th, 2016

At (Mason Regional Park Irvine) 18712 University Drive, Irvine, CA 92612

There is great excitement in the air as we announce the run, walk, health and safety expo event that you have been eagerly waiting for this year. This is the 12th year in succession that this run and walk event is being organized and we owe it’s success to you all. Without your active participation and support, this would not have been possible.

We are sure that you are already preparing yourself for this year’s grand event that is going to be both fun and for a purpose as it has always been over the past decade.

All are welcome to play an active role in this fun event along with your friends and family to make it a glorious occasion. The route for the 5k run will be a fully paved path suitable for all walkers, and runners. Water will be made available during the route and at the finishing point. We also have fruit, snacks and a pancake breakfast at the  health and safety expo.

We expect to see a larger number of participants this year. If you don’t want to participate, join our volunteers’ team and support us. We need to get many sponsors for this event so as to raise funds for the same great cause that this organization has been working for all these years, so we need your help on that count too.

In order to register your participation in the event, please complete the registration form on our Run and Walk site {http://www.surviveandthriverunwalk.org/}. Even if you are not registering, we welcome you to come in large numbers with all your friends and family and cheer the participants.

It is important to know the number of people participating so as to ensure their safety and comfort, so please enroll as early as possible. However, spot registration is also available for those who want to participate but were not able to register early.

The event registration will begin for both the walkers and runners at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 12th, 2016 at the Mason Regional Park Irvine, and will finish by noon. The run walk starts at 9:00AM and raffle will be held at 11:00AM with great giveaways. 100% of all monies raised will go for victims, survivors, families and back into our community.

Individuals like to walk or run depending on their physical capabilities for several reasons. Some like the fresh outside air; some enjoy the beautiful scenery; for some others it is just a way of connecting with nature and everything outside. These reasons aside, people also get involved in run and walk event for the sheer joy of participating and to contribute towards a noble cause.

Walking should be a regular part of your everyday life as it helps you overcome many illnesses and makes you feel good both physically and mentally. When such a daily exercise is done for a special cause especially when you do it along with your friends and family, it becomes even more worthwhile and you get the satisfaction of paying it back to the society. There would be so much fun when you sign up as a team and participate in large numbers.

Maybe you are not strong enough to run the entire distance. You can walk it too. Imagine a platform shared by all the physically-able and the differently-abled people just to tell the world about a genuine, social cause! Isn’t this awesome? If we have been seeing this happen for over a decade, why not make it happen again this year? It is possible with your support, which we are sure, you are ready to offer this year too.

It is our sincere request that you spread the word of this run and walk event by sharing it on social media and encourage more people to participate in the event. The event is open to all age groups and to the able and differently-abled people. Use our events hashtag to promote this event on social media. #CrimeSurvivorsEvents2016

Come, sign up as an individual, family or team and take part in the run and walk event and make it a big success like all the previous years! We wish you all the very best to train and get fit and ready for the run and walk event.