Take the Crime Survivors Pledge today to promise to support victims of crime and share with your elected officials and community leaders to do the same.
“I pledge to support Victims of Crime, Crime Survivors and Public Safety for our Community. I will continue to pledge my support for Crime Survivors’ Mission and Values. My pledge will support all victims of crime mentally, physically, emotionally and financially.”
Mission Statement
To provide hope and healing to victims and survivors of crime through advocacy and the support of resources, information, and empowerment from the critical time after a crime occurs through the challenges and successes of surviving and thriving.
- We believe that no one should feel abandoned or alone and that every person is deserving of love, respect and dignity.
- We believe that the best way to help others with hope and healing is to work in partnership with our community, law enforcement, elected leaders, and members of the media.
- We believe that all of us together can lift each other out of darkness and into the light of a restored heart and life.
- We believe that every broken heart, every hurt, every wound can be healed with love and a strong community of support.
- We believe in hopeful healing.
- We believe that with faith, there is always hope.