Provided by GET SAFE
Our approach covers important safety topics in a light, entertaining, and humorous style. We use fun presentations that involve the audience and teach the highest priority safety issues they face.
Most programs are available in 1-hr, 2-hr, 4-hr, and 6-hr formats. Participants in a Get Safe presentation learn a lot, have an enjoyable experience, and are able to immediately incorporate new ideas into their basic safety practices.
Our clients include Allstate, UNOCAL, Girl Scouts of America, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Easter Seals, Irvine Unified School District, and the Red Cross. We work with organizations big and small.
Personal Safety 101: Ultimate Personal Safety Course
This program is for everyone. You deserve to live a safe, violence-free life. It’s guaranteed to be informative and entertaining; you’ll have a few laughs and learn what you need to know at the same time. Personal Safety 101 is a 6-hour training that can be divided into three 2-hour sessions or done as a full-day workshop. We create a program tailor-made for you, including:
- Spot potentially dangerous people or situations
- Defuse precarious situations – anywhere
- Resolve conflicts
- Date safely
- Protect yourself in phone, mail, and email communication
- Prevent crime in your home
- Identify and avoid tricks and lures used by criminals
- Know how to use emergency self-defense techniques
How to be Safer, Smarter, and More Productive
Interested in something totally different for your next meeting? A Get Safe presentation can be the breath of fresh air that will make your employees feel respected and cared for. The Secure Work Environment is a great team-building tool. It is designed to give employers and employees the skills to promote safety and security in the workplace and in their personal lives. This program can help prevent and reduce the physical, emotional, legal, and financial costs associated with incidents that commonly occur in our fast-paced, high-pressure work environments. The time to prevent an incident is before it happens. We create a program tailor-made for you that will provide your employees with knowledge and critical skills in:
- De-escalating potentially violent situations
- Awareness during outreach and sales calls
- Safety practices for the phone, mail, email, and internet
- Sensitivity training: understanding others as a means to success
- Understanding sexual harassment: the spirit and the letter of the law
- Emergency self-defense techniques
- Tricks and lures used by criminals – and how to avoid them
- Travel safety: planes, trains, and automobiles
Building Stronger, Safer Survivors
This course is specifically designed for survivors of physical & sexual abuse in childhood and survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence. Our unique approach combines counseling and group processing with personal safety education and comprehensive self-defense training. Breaking Barriers is a program that collaborates with other community agencies and professionals including therapists, rape crisis centers, and law enforcement. We empower participants in a safe and secure environment to support themselves and others through the recovery process. This carefully designed program includes:
- Managing physiological responses that can occur in stressful situations
- Methods of reducing anxiety and tension
- Offensive and defensive self-defense techniques
- Information and resources concerning one-on-one therapy and group counseling
- Insight into the prosecutorial process
- Dating, intimacy, and sex
- Understanding the domino effect – and how to prevent it
Promoting Self-Confidence Through Education
Perfect for Safety Day, Orientation Week, or any opportunity within the school environment where students can be given the chance learn about the importance of safety and the active role they can play in protecting themselves. Child Safety is 30-90 minutes of customized training to help boys and girls (ages 5-12) avoid and prevent violent crimes. Girl Scouts of America have designated our fun and interactive program as a way for girls to receive, “Your Best Defense,” interest project badge. This customized program includes:
- OK vs. not-OK touching
- Using your voice
- Understanding and reacting to inappropriate behavior
- The buddy system
- Being lost – and being found
- Respecting each other
- Bullying
- Application of kid-friendly self-defense techniques
Taking Risks in a Safe Way
Whether it’s for an orientation curriculum, a high school Safety Day, or a college program like “Take Back the Night,” Get Safe can create a course for your students that meets them where they are at and understands their specific needs. Our fun and interactive environment allows us to educate and empower teens to avoid and escape unsafe situations. New students are especially vulnerable. Whether your son or daughter is about to begin middle school, high school, or college, give them the tools to have a safe and enjoyable experience. From UCLA and Cal State Fullerton to the Irvine School District and The Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Get Safe has worked with tens of thousands of young adults.
We create a program tailor-made for your students, including:
- Self-defense techniques
- Sexual harassment awareness
- Warning signs of relationship violence
- Assertiveness training
- Understanding and reacting to inappropriate behavior
- Conflict avoidance/resolution
- Safety at parties
- Driving safety
- Bullying
- Self-defense techniques
Safety Practices for Parents, Children, and Teens
Parent-Child and Parent-Teen programs are a way to build on existing relationships to help family members learn how to help each other live safe and violence-free lives. We also offer special Mother-Daughter and Father-Son courses.This program can be divided into 2 sessions. In the first, parents and children/teens, together, learn personal safety and methods for escaping danger. In the second session, children/teens continue safety instruction and practice, while parents learn more about the role they play in their family’s safety. We adapt each program to fit age of the participating children/teens, including:
- Recess safety
- Common tricks and lures
- Emergency pick-up procedures
- Safety on a date or at a party
- Warning signs of relationship violence
- Understanding and reacting to inappropriate behavior
- Conflict avoidance/resolution
- Driving safety
- Self-defense techniques
Maximizing Assistance and Minimizing Injury
If your profession requires interacting with potentially dangerous clients, the Control Tactics course is for you. Get Safe runs programs for law enforcement, security personnel, individuals working within the probation/prison system, mental health and healthcare professionals, teachers, care givers and social service providers. This program emphasizes methods for working with elevated-risk and special populations such as detained juveniles, suspects, convicted criminals, persons with mental health disorders, persons who might become violent, and persons with developmental disabilities. We create a program tailor-made for your population, including:
- Keeping the client safe – without sacrificing your own safety
- Techniques for communicating with your client
- Recognizing signs of danger
- Assertiveness training
- Establishing and maintaining boundaries
- Multiple variable challenges
- Appropriate control and restraint techniques
Access Your Hidden Strengths
People with special needs are at the highest risk of victimization. In addition to violent crimes such as sexual assault, they are also vulnerable to property crimes and fraud. With this in mind, GET SAFE has developed a unique curriculum that provides high quality personal safety courses to special needs groups, regardless of level of function or independence. We create a program specifically designed to help equip your clients with the tools they desperately need, including:
- Spotting potentially dangerous people
- Finding help in your immediate area
- Learning to trust your instincts
- Communicating safely with phone, mail, and email
- Making your weaknesses your strengths
- Using emergency self-defense techniques
- Identifying and avoiding tricks and lures used by criminals
The Self-Defense System of the Israeli Defense Forces
The art of Krav Maga combines techniques that originated in Muay Thai, kickboxing, and wrestling, with other techniques from Ju-Jitsu and Karate. It is considered to be a modern and highly refined street fighting system, designed for use against armed and unarmed attackers. Krav Maga was created to bring students to a high level of skill in a relatively short period of time. GET SAFE has partnered with the 360 Self Defense Training Center to offer superior Krav Maga training to our clients.