This program means a lot to me because it has helped me get through my situation. It has also helped me through counseling and they were there when I had to do my statement to the judge. It is still helping me and“This program helps me give my five children a happy holiday so they don’t feel sad for being out on our own. I appreciate all you guys do for us. You are a blessing in disguise. Thank you!” I get to call and talk to someone if I need it. Thank you so much. Without this program, I would not know what I would have done.”
– .E.F.

Patricia, I wanted to let you know, because of you and this that you do I finally got out of the mentally abusive relationship I was in during this time and now I feel like a huge weight was lifted off of me. I thought things would change but they didn’t and Now I couldn’t be more happy than I have before with a new partner in my life he has been my biggest supporter and because of you it made me a stronger person to know I wasn’t in a good place and how to deal and recognize it, even though I was in an abusive relationship in the past but didn’t recognize the mental abuse. Thank you Patricia”
– Rachael

On behalf of the Ramirez family I would like to thank Crime Survivors and the anonymous donor that donated the tickets to Medieval Times to fulfill one of little Tony’s wishes before he was tragically taken from us. It was very emotional for all of us but it also was very much healing to know we were able to do one thing that he wanted. It was an amazing night! I also want to thank the team that made this all possible! I know little Tony wasn’t there physically but I am positive he was there in spirit! Rest in peace my forever 17 year old bear cub this mama bear will never forget you and your family awaits the day we’re all united!

It was amazing I held up little Tony’s picture and the Knight for our team put his hand across his chest pointed to the heavens and tossed me the carnation then my husband took the picture of me with it, it was very emotional as well as a blessing to me. My children turned around and looked at me and said Mom that’s your sign in it and I just smiled.

THANK YOU! I just realized that the picture we took is one of the first with all of us in it together. I used to cry saying never again will I have a family picture and I just realized we are all together in the Medieval Times picture.”

After years of domestic violence and coerced control I finally left the situation only to find that it takes new formats. With my new freedom, my situation has drastically improved, and I am learning to be stronger, to have a voice, and to hold my own step by step. In those darkest and scariest first couple years Crime Survivors has given our family support and joy and hope. By caring about our plight when most didn’t understand or really know how to empathize Crime Survivors showed us love. I am grateful, and hopeful for our future!”

another success story

Crime Survivors has been apart of my families healing for 8 years. We have been blessed to attend at many events. We have had many ups and downs living everyday. We have attended 2 Parole Hearings for Brittany’s murderer with the love and support. Our favorite moments are the dove releases as we bond as a family a release our love to the heavens. We are forever grateful for our Crime Survivors family.”
– Jennifer Lundy and Family

Lundy survivor success story

It’s now been 4 years since we survived. We have come very far with the help of crime survivors. This program has brought my family so much healing.”
Thank You to Crime Survivors Donors and Supporters.
– Family Surviving

Survivor Success

Molested at the young age of seven and again at thirteen. My past was my reason to work as a police officer for seventeen years and later in life the reason for getting my MA in counseling. Experiencing PTSD since recovery of memory at the age of fifty. Still healing, still dealing, BUT a warrior since I was twenty… forgive yourself. As a survivor you can enjoy life again. You just have to “jump” with both feet and a great deal of faith and hope; you never quite know where you’ll land but it’s worth the risk. As someone that knows first-hand I give and support this organization that is making a difference and greater impact!”
– Thank you kindly, Survivor Thriving

survivor success

After a lifetime of unimaginable abuse I found myself at the end of my rope, barely hanging on. I had looked everywhere, tried everything but I could not escape the feeling that I would always be and always see myself as a victim. I was at the point that I felt that there was nothing left to live for, nothing to hope for. I gave up on believing that I could ever have a life again.

Then in 2015 I was introduced to Crime Survivors. For the first time in my life I finally found an organization that nurtured me, one that helped me seeem> that the things that happened to me did not define me. I did not have to stay in the cycle of abuse, I was allowed to have opinions, I was allowed to dream, to have hope. Most of all though, I learned that I deserved to be treated with respect and that I was not a victim any longer. Working with Crime Survivors has helped me to finally see myself as a survivor. I am still a work in progress but with the support that I am getting, I now know that I will make it through.

survivor success story

I may not be in control of every situation and its outcome, But I can control my attitude and how I deal with it. Sometimes smiling is the greatest act of Defiance and sometimes asking for help is the most meaningful example of self-reliance. Sometimes the best medicine is to just laugh until you cry and sometimes the greatest wisdom comes from accepting you will never know why. Sometimes just going to bed is the best antidote to trials and tribulations and sometimes just being blessed to get up again and face it all, for one more day is worthy of celebration. After a while you look in the mirror and realize after all those hurts, scars and bruises after all of those trials I really made it through, I did it, I survived that was supposed to kill me made me stronger So I straightened my Crown and walked away like a Boss!!! I am a survivor and I am strong, like Katy Perry’s song Lion I am that Lion. I had a very hard time but with Crime Survivors, loved ones and my kids I can be me the me I was to be and I thank you and Thank God for always being by my side. I am truly blessed and beyond Grateful thank you.
Survivor Sharing Gratitude & Survival ~ Support Survivors this Holiday Season!
– Sincerely, Survivor

Today is November 15th, 2017… 28 months has passed since the day that my body was without a pulse and my whole life flashing before my eyes and then bam everything went black. After months of rehabilitation I can actually walk but still have the pain that lingers my body but when the pain comes too much, I close my eyes and out my hand over my heart and then my heart beats and it beats purpose… I keep going. I put my strength in spreading my story to others so they can get out. I remind them love shouldn’t hurt and love should be heart deep not knife deep. Each day I face the challenges of my self-worth and doubting my looks as I still see the scars from the knife entering my body. As I tell my fellow Crime Survivors “I rather have these scars here then six feet under.” They make me who I am… A SUPER SURVIVOR.

And with organizations like Crime Survivors I know that they are there for us in many ways the justice system fails. With the help of my better half that loves and believes in me I’m able to smile again as I know he loves me, supports me and most importantly understands me. And with that I’m winning!”
– Super Survivor

Hi everyone, I just want to share with you my hope for healing and what God has brought me out of with the help and support of crime survivors.10 years ago this was not my life. My life was full of abuse every day all day,not knowing if I would ever see another day with my children. But I kept pressing forward and kept praying for another day and even when the abuser was locked up,I’m not going to say the healing was easy,but that’s where crime survivors comes in. I thank God he brought them my way,which brought even more hope,help to heal, support, comfort and even a chance to smile with others that survived. I’m truly grateful for Patricia and all those who help make crime survivors go forward. There is truly hope for a better healthier future. By the way God even added a wonderful husband 2 step children and a special little addition who brings so much more joy to our family.”
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord . “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord . “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.” Jeremiah 29:11‭-‬14 NLT
– Survivor Thriving!

another survivor success


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